Saturday, September 26, 2009

Weekend at Inspiration 2009, Cleveland, Ohio

This weekend I've been teaching at the Machine Knitting seminar called Inspiration 2009 in Cleveland, Ohio. This seminar is sponsred by BT Yarns. Here you can see two of the other instructors, and my friends, Lily Chin from New York City (center), and Carol Scott from Chicago (right).

My classes have been great, and I've enjoyed every moment sharing knowledge and learning from the knitters in my classes.

Yesterday, there was a fashion show where garments were shared. Below take a look at several garments designed using my program, Garment Designer software.

Here is Carol Muller

Susan Herricks

Heather Bailey

and Pam Huang (with two garments)

Great work ladies! Love to see what people do with Garment Designer.

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